Force Options Instructor


Force Options Instructor Flyer

Instructor bio: Jim Webster – Blue Shield Tactical Systems

Copyright © 2014 Blue Shield Tactical Systems LLC

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Force Options Instructor Course

“Comprehensive Force Options Instructor Course: Handcuffing, Baton, and Pepper Spray”

Welcome to our intensive 2-day Force Options Instructor Course—a program meticulously designed for law enforcement, security, and military personnel. Let’s break down the critical components:

  1. Handcuffing Mastery:
    • Essential Tool: Handcuffs are a frontline necessity.
    • Safe Tactical Application: Protecting both officers and suspects.
    • Best Techniques: We’ve distilled the most effective styles into one course.
    • Use of Force Concepts: Understand when and how to apply handcuffs legally.
  2. Baton Proficiency:
    • Underutilized Tool: The baton deserves attention.
    • Sound Techniques: Practical and straightforward.
    • Legal Articulation: Know when the baton is reasonably justified.
    • Instructor Interaction: Elevate your teaching skills.
  3. Pepper Spray Deployment:
    • Valid Tool: Still relevant in various situations.
    • Taser Complement: Not every scenario suits a Taser.
    • Exposure Optional: No need to be exposed.
    • Certification Validity: Three years of expertise.
  4. Training Topics:
    • Response to Resistance: Navigating dynamic encounters.
    • Control Holds: Maintaining dominance.
    • Threat Indicators: Reading danger cues.
    • Handcuffing Techniques: Standing, kneeling, and prone positions.
    • Team Handcuffing: Coordinated efforts.
    • Weapon Handling: Drawing, grip, stance, and retention.
    • Alternative Impact Weapons: Expanding your toolkit.
    • Effective Teaching Methods: Empowering instructors.
    • OC Spray Considerations: Carry options and spray patterns.
    • Decontamination Procedures: Post-exposure care.
    • Force Articulation: Legally justifying actions.
    • Current Trends and Documentation: Staying informed.

Remember, your role as an instructor is pivotal. Let’s equip you to make a lasting impact on officer safety!

Cancellation Policy

At BSTS LLC, we understand that sometimes plans change. Our course cancellation policy is designed to ensure fairness and maximize training opportunities for all participants. Please take note of the following key points:

  1. Notice Period:
    • To cancel your attendance in a course, we require a minimum of 15 days’ notice before the course start date.
    • Notify us via email through our website.
  2. Consequences of Late Cancellation:
    • If you cancel with less than 15 days’ notice, a department credit will be issued. This credit can be used toward another future training event within one year from the original course date.
    • No-shows without prior email notification will be charged the full course fee, even if payment hasn’t been made yet.
  3. Future Course Credit:
    • For any no-shows who are charged the full course fee, we offer a one-year future course credit.
    • This credit allows you to attend a different training event within the next year.
  4. Why We Have This Policy:
    • Our goal is to provide quality training to as many officers as possible.
    • Some students register for courses but don’t attend, which prevents others from taking those slots.
    • We compensate our instructors based on the number of officers scheduled to attend, and our travel costs are tied to registration fees.
  5. Your Agreement:
    • By registering for any course, you agree to abide by this cancellation policy.
    • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us via email or phone.

Remember, this policy serves as a binding contract between BSTS LLC and you (whether you’re an individual student or part of an agency or company). We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain an efficient and effective training environment.

12 reviews for Force Options Instructor

  1. Mike Arrington (verified owner)

    I just returned to South Carolina after having flown out to take the Force Options Instructor course. Hands down, this is one of the best instructional courses I have ever attended. Jim Webster has come from a background having lived what he teaches…and it shows. His military and law enforcement careers allows him to actually know what works on the street and how to apply the knowledge safely and efficiently. I will definitely be lining up future courses with Blue Shield. Thanks Jim!

  2. Brian Sauter

    I thought this was a great course. The instructor was extremely knowledgeable and uses his years of experience in law enforcement mixed with his vast experience in martial arts to make the course useful for the everyday LCD (lowest common denominator). The tactics work great for every level of officer and the course is very little powerpoint and very hands on.

  3. Keith Ferguson (verified owner)

    Very informative and the functionality of this course is very necessary for everyone involved in Law Enforcement. Definitely taking this information back to my department and applying it all!

  4. Joseph Farrell (verified owner)

    A lot of good information that made me have a lot of considerations I had not looked at before. The lessons in the course were highly valuable to any police officer working the street.

  5. Nick Garcia

    Real world applications taught in an easy to understand way. Definitely looking forward to bringing these techniques to the department.

  6. Spencer

    This course provides excellent simple and easy to implement techniques to improve safety while handling subjects on the street. The handcuffing techniques were simple to learn and implement, while providing excellent control and improving the safety of the officer.

  7. Lewis

    I was pleased. I liked how on the hand cuffing it was less step and something I believe officers would use on the streets. Also I liked how we focused on when to get away from the subject and use other means of force.

  8. J Quinton

    This class is very well put together. I learned alot, in a short period of time, but I did not feel rushed or overwhelmed. The pace of the class was very good. The material was well presented, put together and the instructor had vast knowledge of it. The material was made simple and practical. I would highly recommend this class. The cuffing and baton tactics I felt were updated and simplified from methods I’ve learned in the past.

  9. Doug Austin

    Very well taught class and very informative. Great learning atmosphere. Instructor was very good at explaining and was knowledgeable.

  10. Brent Bruner

    Great training for even the Security Agencies. I’ll be able to teach my officers a lot more than they were previously taught.

  11. Scott Pelley

    This is a great hands on course. Good tactics taught by a knowledgeable instructor.

  12. David Ballard (verified owner)

    I recently trained at the Eufaula Oklahoma class. I have been to other use of force training, but found this to be very useful and well taught. The drills will definitely be added to our training. Look forward to training with you all again.

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